Animal Care

Easing Separation Anxiety in Dogs

It is not uncommon for dogs to experience some form of separation anxiety. Some dogs become extremely upset when they are separated from their owners or other animals, even for short periods. Dogs already on the anxious side may find it difficult to function normally when separated from their owners; they may bark incessantly, pace, hide, show aggression to other animals, eat compulsively, or become destructive.

What are the Signs That Your Dog has Anxiety?

The most common form of separation anxiety is in dogs when they are left alone. They go into panic mode when they are separated from their owners. This is when they may bark, urinate or defecate in the house and sometimes even chew and dig their way into furniture and other objects.

When your dog is frightened of being separated from you, separation anxiety can cause them to have an increased amount of energy, which can lead to destructive behavior. While there are many signs of dog anxiety, one of the most common is tail-chasing. If your dog is tail-chasing, this can be a sign of anxiety. Tail chases are the most common form of dog anxiety, but not the only ones. Other signs of dog anxiety include whining, barking, hyperactivity, trembling, pacing, hiding, and panting. So, are they panting in the car or whining and barking whilst you are driving? Dogs tend to pant when in discomfort or in pain as well, and so, it is imperative for you as their owner to know their pain point and work towards calming them.

Dogs and humans possess similar separation anxiety symptoms, and their symptoms can easily overlap. However, dogs and humans may suffer from symptoms differently. Some dogs may become anxious and depressed, some may become aggressive and angry, and some may become agitated and avoid their owners. When the symptoms of separation anxiety are severe, they can interfere with a dog’s normal daily routine and can even cause the dog to become destructive.

Separation anxiety, more commonly known as Separation Anxiety Disorder, is a malady. You can do many things that afflict millions of pets worldwide. An estimated 10 percent of all dogs and an enormous percentage of cats suffer from this form of canine anxiety. Separation anxiety can be a major issue, especially if your pet is a dog since they may prefer indoors. Dogs can get easily attached to places, objects, or people. So, any attempt at leaving the house can result in a frantic display of barking, whining, and jumping on you, causing you to get “stuck.” Some people may use CBD products such as oils to calm down their pet’s anxiety. You can click here to find cannabinoid oil, or you may explore local vendors to purchase the product.

What You Can Do To Ease Their Anxiety

When expecting your pet to leave your side, it is always difficult to see them off. These are the times when you want to say something that will show that you care. Of course, you don’t want to say something that will upset them, but that is very hard to do when you are dogmatically attached to them. There is no foolproof way to say goodbye to the ones you love, but there are some very simple things you can do to ease the mental anguish of separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety in dogs is a big problem, but there are ways to tackle it. An alternative option that can be suggested by vets as well would be CBD for pets, as it can help ease anxiety and induce a sense of relaxation in your dog. Enough research has been done to show that CBD can help animals in a way similar to humans. However, you might not be comfortable exploring it, so you can stick to these behavioural tips. Separation anxiety is often triggered by the owner leaving, so here are the things you can do to help ease their anxiety:

  1. Try not to overreact if your dog seems to get upset when you leave
  2. Try to avoid making your dog feel ignored
  3. Try to leave your dog in a familiar place
  4. Try to arrange for some company for your dog while you are away
  5. Try to carry out some training exercises while you are away
  6. Try to get your dog used to their time spent with others
  7. Try to get your dog used to the time spent on their own
  8. Try to play with your dog while you are home
  9. Try and find them a bed that can help to ease their anxiety. Somewhere like Bobby Bed is one of the many places on the market that provide beds that help to calm and soothe dogs, so this could be an option to consider too.

Separation anxiety is a heartbreaking condition that affects dogs. Dogs are social beings, and they need to be social beings to be happy. If your dog is constantly anxious about being away from you, there are several steps you can take to ease their discomfort. One of the easiest ways to help your dog get over their worries is to get them used to the human company when you are away from them.

Separation anxiety is probably one of the most common problems owners face with their dogs and can cause significant anxiety for the owner as well. There are many things you can do to help ease your dog’s anxiety, and your best bet is to combine common sense with the right techniques.

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Carrie Jones