Mental Health

Why Therapy Is Good For Everyone

The idea that therapy is good for everyone is a popular one. Be it in the form of a therapist saying that therapy is good for everyone or a psychologist proclaiming that psychotherapy is beneficial for everyone, these are common assertions that tend to make their way into the public consciousness. As we all know, therapy is good for everyone. However, not everyone that goes for therapy is mentally ill. Now, there are also lots of benefits to going for therapy. Although therapy has been around for millennia, the term "psychotherapy" was coined by Freud in the early 1900s, long...
Physical Health

What To Do If You Get A Sunburn

When you go outside in the sun, you are at risk of sunburn and the damage that can be done. Sunburn is a burning sensation that occurs when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, it will cause the skin cells to become damaged and become susceptible to sunburn. It does not matter how much sunscreen you use or what the time of day is-sunburn can still happen. If you're planning a beach vacation, chances are you're going to get a sunburn! In fact, you're likely to get a sunburn on vacation....