Animal Care

5 Tips on How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Everything

Life with a dog can be fun, but the chances are high that at some point, your dog is going to chew on something they shouldn’t. Chewing is a natural behaviour, but it isn’t necessarily normal when you notice that your dog will chew on things other than their toys. Typically, dogs gnaw out of boredom, stress, or anxiety, but it’s important to teach your dog what is ok and what you should say no to.

Chewing plays a vital role in a dog’s life as it helps keep their teeth clean and reduces the risk of dental issues. However, chewing on inappropriate items can lead to dental problems, digestive issues, and unpleasant odors. Hence, it’s crucial to prevent dogs from chewing on everything they encounter. There are two main approaches to address this behavior. Firstly, proper training is essential. You can access resources such as YouTube videos or puppy training app to learn effective training techniques. Consistent training helps teach dogs what items are appropriate to chew on. Secondly, making environmental changes can also discourage unwanted chewing.

Here Are Five of Such Tips on How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Everything:

Select dog toys.

Choosing a great dog toy is one of the most critical aspects of having a great relationship with your dog. Toys are an inexpensive and rewarding way to make sure your dog gets the right amount of exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction he needs. Your dog may chew on anything from shoes to socks to toy cars, but there are a few things you can do to cut down on the destruction. For example, select dog toys that your dog can’t destroy easily. Look for toys that squeak or are rigid and durable enough that your dog can’t rip them to pieces. Try finding toys that invite your dog to play tug-of-war or require your dog to twist and chew. If you notice your dog chewing on your shoes, socks, or other items, replace them with these types of toys.

Leave scent behind.

If you have a new puppy, you probably already know that chewing is one of its favourite ways to relieve boredom. If your puppy chews things in your home, you may be at a loss when it comes to stopping it. Some things are easier to stop a puppy from chewing than others, but if your pooch is chewing everything in sight, try this tip: leave a scent behind. By doing so, they should avoid chewing any item that is near to the scent.

Remove anything that a dog can chew on.

Is your canine chewing everything in sight? If so, you’re not alone. Dogs are natural chewers, but that doesn’t make them bad. All it means is that your dog’s chewing behaviour is normal, and it’s a sign of his natural instinct to protect and care for him. Don’t punish your dog for chewing. Instead, keep your dog’s chewing habit healthy by making sure his chewing toys are appropriate. And be sure to remove as many items as you can from your dog’s reach. This should include stray shoes, socks, toys, and even furniture cushions.

Stay attentive.

It’s important to keep an eye on your dog to prevent it from chewing on things when left alone. Make sure your dog doesn’t have access to too many items and gets enough exercise. Especially, when taking your dog for a walk, be cautious as their chewing habit may lead to biting incidents. In severe cases, victims may seek legal action with the help of dog bite lawyers like Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys. Therefore, being attentive and watchful with your dog is crucial to prevent any mishaps.

Manage the situation.

It’s the first rule of dog training: Teach your dog what you want them to do, then repeat. So, if you want to stop your dog from chewing everything in sight, you’ve got to teach them that chewing on certain things is bad. While a quick fix may be tempting, don’t resort to harsh discipline in order to get your dog to stop chewing everything. Instead, consider seeking professional guidance from a reputable dog training service like Balanced Obedience. By enroling your dog for such training programs, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a well-behaved and contented canine companion.

Chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs because it helps them release tension. Dogs learn to chew through observation and imitation of their littermates, and this behaviour generally becomes entrenched after the first year. For dog owners, chewing on shoes, chairs, or socks is more than just an annoying habit; it can spell trouble. Left unattended, chewed-up shoes, chairs, and socks can lead to hundreds of dollars’ worth of damage.

But don’t worry. Any damage to your personal belongings can be reduced when you take the time to implement teaching methods to stop them from chewing everything in sight. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of professionals if you need extra help.

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Carrie Jones

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