Dating Advice

6 Healthy Dating Habits to Spring Clean Your Love Life

Whether you’re a woman or a man, you can improve your love life by cleaning up your dating habits. Most people pick up some toxic habits over the years, which can really affect your ability to find love. The ability of these healthy habits to play out in your life will determine how healthy your love life can be. Finding your soul mate is some hard work, but keeping that person happy is a task worth taking on and quite rewarding!

Top Tips for Dating

  1. Ignore criticism – Criticism is rarely healthy unless it’s constructive and actionable. It often comes from a place of jealousy or insecurity, which only results in both parties getting hurt. If someone criticises the way you interrupt them during a conversation, this might be something you need to work on, but if someone tells you your laugh is annoying or you smile too much, ignore them. In fact, laugh louder and smile bigger! Make sure not to let the feedback of others get to you – toxic criticism might hurt, but embrace your individuality. If they don’t like it, stuff them.
  2. Get rid of distractions – The habit of meditating goes hand in hand with the practice of self-acceptance. When you know and accept you are not perfect, you won’t beat yourself up over things you cannot change. Instead, you will focus on changing what you can. By being kind to yourself, you will attract others and attract more love into your life, and by that, you should get rid of any distractions in your life, opening yourself up to the love of others.
  3. Spend quality time together – Good relationships are not about how often you meet. If you put aside the impossible standards that modern society sets for relationships, you will discover that there is nothing romantic about frequent contact but much to be said about maintaining emotional connections. There’s absolutely no point in going on dates if you’re only going to stare at your phone for half of it. Give your date your full attention – you’ll come across as more attractive, and you’re more likely to chat about things you’re both interested in.
  4. Stop comparing your relationship with another couple – We are all different, and the nature of our relationships is different. We can learn a lot from each other, but it’s a mistake to compare your love life to another couple. Sometimes, you need to give time and chance to your relationship before seeking any external help. Taking inspiration is healthy, but being influenced is not. Do your own thing – what works for one couple may not work for you.
  5. Show more love with each other – Love is about connection. When we stay emotionally and intellectually connected to each other, we feel more loved. So, make it a habit of being intentional about connecting with your partner on a daily basis. A healthy relationship is not characterised by the absence of problems but by a willingness to tackle them together. A healthy relationship includes being committed to each other, being committed to the well-being of the relationship, being committed to personal growth, and being loved is the only key to being stronger and stronger in the relationship that you have.
  6. Communicate Better – The pillar of a good relationship is often found to be communication. Without clear and honest communication, misunderstandings can easily arise and fester, leading to resentment and distance between partners. Make it a priority to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs openly and respectfully. For example, if you have been experiencing low levels of motivation due to lower levels of hormones like testosterone and are undergoing treatment for the same at an ED Clinic Ankeny or elsewhere, keeping your partner in the loop can ensure that they understand what you’re going through and can offer support and understanding. Similarly, encourage your partner to share their own concerns and experiences with you, creating a safe space for open dialogue.
  7. Fight gently – Dating is a constant challenge, especially for people who have been hurt before, but a healthy, positive relationship is based on mutual love and respect. Establishing healthy dating habits in your relationship will encourage you to communicate, feel empowered and work hard at maintaining it.

Dating, as with life, is all about evolving. Every couple has its ups and downs. Just because a relationship doesn’t go according to plan doesn’t mean the relationship is bad. When one partner starts to change, it’s a sign that the relationship is changing. Sticking to healthy dating habits will protect your relationship from unhealthy habits.

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Carrie Jones