Animal Care

Reasons You Should Give Your Pets CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in hemp. While hemp has long been associated with its cannabis counterpart, CBD is non-psychoactive because it contains less than 0.3% THC. Research into CBD has been expanding quickly and is quickly becoming a favourite of pet parents. There are lots of reasons to give your pet CBD, from reducing anxiety to helping to reduce pain. But the big question for many pet parents is whether or not it would be safe. It's been said that the only constant in life is aging, and that couldn't be truer when it comes to our...
Animal Care

Aggression In Dogs And What To Do About It

Dogs are man's best friend, and you should never feel guilty for loving one. Unfortunately, many dogs and owners end up in unhappy circumstances, with dogs being the victims of attacks. If a dog is attacked, there are steps that you can take to ensure that your dog survives the attack. However, when the roles reverse and your dog attacks someone, you could find yourself landing in trouble. Dog bites are dangerous, and for some dogs, the chances of them biting again are high. If your dog bites someone or causes serious injury, it's critical to take legal action. In...
Animal Care

Should You Walk Your Cats?

Cats are famous for their inquisitiveness, and they are forever getting into trouble. They are also rather independent and not very good at communicating when they want to be let out. Unfortunately, they get into all kinds of things, so they need to be let out as often as possible. But if you have a cat who is a little too inquisitive, it can lead to some dangerous situations. Do you have a cat? If so, you know that there's nothing that makes them happier than having a little bit of their personal space. That's why they're often happiest when...
Animal Care

How To Prevent Fleas Getting on Your Pets

Fleas are annoying little pests. They can cause a great deal of discomfort, which can often be avoided. If you have a cat or dog, you may have already suffered flea infestations. I can attest to this, as I have battled fleas on a few different occasions. We all have pet dogs, cats, and even birds that we love dearly. But, while they are cute and furry, some pets, like dogs and cats, are more than just a pet. They are our family members. They sleep with us and love us unconditionally. So, there is a real possibility that we...
Animal Care

Easing Separation Anxiety in Dogs

It is not uncommon for dogs to experience some form of separation anxiety. Some dogs become extremely upset when they are separated from their owners or other animals, even for short periods. Dogs already on the anxious side may find it difficult to function normally when separated from their owners; they may bark incessantly, pace, hide, show aggression to other animals, eat compulsively, or become destructive. What are the Signs That Your Dog has Anxiety? The most common form of separation anxiety is in dogs when they are left alone. They go into panic mode when they are separated from...
Animal Care

Managing Seasonal Allergies in Horses

Horses are great pets for many reasons, including the fact that they have been used as working animals for centuries and are more suited to the great outdoors than most other domestic animals. However, even the best pets can succumb to a few common illnesses that can be managed with the right treatment plans. For instance, horses can frequently suffer from Laminitis, which affects the tissues (laminae) bonding the hoof wall to pedal bone in the hoof. Luckily, with proper care, fast recovery from laminitis can be possible. That said, horses are herd animals that tend to ride herd on...