Animal Care

How To Prevent Fleas Getting on Your Pets

Fleas are annoying little pests. They can cause a great deal of discomfort, which can often be avoided. If you have a cat or dog, you may have already suffered flea infestations. I can attest to this, as I have battled fleas on a few different occasions. We all have pet dogs, cats, and even birds that we love dearly. But, while they are cute and furry, some pets, like dogs and cats, are more than just a pet. They are our family members. They sleep with us and love us unconditionally. So, there is a real possibility that we...
Mental Health

Self Care Tips and Tricks We Can Use Every Day

Self-care is important for everybody and is something that is often taken for granted. Each day, we need to ensure that we are taking care of ourselves, mentally and physically. We may not always have the time or energy for these activities, but they are important, and if we're not doing it, we're neglecting our bodies and minds. Being a human is the hardest job in the world. We are constantly under stress and physical and mental fatigue. We have to deal with a lot of things the world throws at us. Sometimes we just need a little help to...
Mental Health

3 Tips to Deal with Quarantine Depression

Depression can strike anyone at any time. It's a feeling that makes it hard to eat, sleep, and get out of bed. But depression is more than a feeling. Depression is a condition that can have lasting effects, making it harder to live a normal life, and is the cause of a large number of health problems. It is a mental disorder characterized by low energy, changes in weight and appetite, loss of interest in usual activities, irritability, and persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. It can also cause changes in thinking and behavior. Depression affects millions of people each...
Mental Health

Coping With Bad Mental Health Days When We Live Alone

Many of us are in a situation where we've chosen to live alone. Many do so because they find it liberating to go out alone at night or to work alone in the morning. Others may choose to live alone to get away from the daily grind of family life. For some, it may be to save money, while others may have trouble keeping a long-term relationship going. After a lifetime of being surrounded by other people, living alone is a completely new experience for most of us. It's no wonder that many of us have a hard time adjusting...
Animal Care

Easing Separation Anxiety in Dogs

It is not uncommon for dogs to experience some form of separation anxiety. Some dogs become extremely upset when they are separated from their owners or other animals, even for short periods. Dogs already on the anxious side may find it difficult to function normally when separated from their owners; they may bark incessantly, pace, hide, show aggression to other animals, eat compulsively, or become destructive. What are the Signs That Your Dog has Anxiety? The most common form of separation anxiety is in dogs when they are left alone. They go into panic mode when they are separated from...
Mental Health

CBD Won’t Get You High — Here’s Why

So, it turns out that there's another reason why CBD won't get you high. It's actually one of the cbd effects, which is the reason people are asking the question in the first place. There's a chemical in marijuana called THC (or Tetrahydrocannabinol) that's responsible for getting high. When you smoke or vape marijuana, THC enters your brain and binds to certain receptors there. When you consume CBD (be it edibles such as medibles or baked goodies), there's no THC present, so CBD can't bind to those same receptors. The result is that CBD has no psychoactive effect. There are...
Mental Health

How Is Cannabidiol Different from Marijuana?

From the dictionary: Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive chemical compound found in the cannabis Sativa (hemp) plant--which makes up the vast majority of Cannabis products on the market. CBD can be found in products like food and beverages, CBD oil capsules and tinctures, CBD skin lotions, CBD oil suppositories, CBD wax, and more. Cannabis is also the name of one of the most commonly used drugs in North America, commonly smoked through "blunts" or "bongs" (see here for examples: While in some states it is illegal to consume cannabis, others have been opening up to its medical or recreational...
Physical Health

8 Reasons You’re Getting Acne

It happens to us all from time to time. We'll get that horrible white spot that turns into a zit, and then we have to try and deal with it. The thing is, even if we do deal with it, it can return. So then the question becomes why? Well, there's never one simple answer, but below we've got 8 of the most common reasons you're getting acne, even if you're sticking to that nightly routine. And remember, sometimes it's just a small fact of life. If you're getting severely bothered by it, try marijuana for acne, however, be sure...